Table lamp - 3D Product Animation / Video

4 Weeks
3D Product Animation - A product video must captivate the viewer in the shortest possible time and explain the individual features of the product quickly and simply.

3D Product Animation - A product video must captivate the viewer in the shortest possible time and explain the individual features of the product quickly and simply.

This is also the case in this 3D animation in which we have visualized a designer floor lamp in 3D and presented it in moving images.
Today, visual marketing for furniture, home & living brands is a hurried affair: the attention of end consumers must be captured in a fraction of a second. As a rule, they watch product videos for only a few seconds. How do you manage to present all the advantages of a product in such a short time, communicate the functionality and benefits of the product, and at the same time present brand identity in a way that appeals to the clientele?

In our team, creative directors, master carpenters, interior design experts and CGI artists work closely together. They contribute their professional experience and their knowledge and skills - the result is a 3D product animation that appeals to customers aesthetically (keyword B2C) and helps our direct customers (keyword B2B) to establish their brand identity. For this 3D product animation, we photorealistically modeled the 3D model as a digital twin, digitized textures and created a storyboard for the 3D product animation.

Formats for social media, TV, web

Where do customers come into contact with product videos today? There are still the classic channels, of course, TV commercials are still broadcast. Here, short videos are an advantage, because TV advertising is paid by the second of airtime.

However, many people no longer get their information from TV, but from social media and on the web. The attention span here is particularly short; a few seconds must be comprehensively convincing or at least hold the attention. Only in the next step is it about more in-depth information, which may be provided on landing pages.

Implementation: 3D / CGI meets minimalism

For this 3D product animation, we placed a lot of emphasis on urban, contemporary sustainability and minimalism. So the lamp has to be presented exactly in this context. For our product video this means: the lamp is simply designed, has few functions. The interiors we designed at Danthree Studio with its products are also simple to minimalist. Natural materials dominate. The end customer comes from an educated environment, the living spaces are styled through, but furnished with a lot of free space and little furniture. "Only what is really necessary, but that as sustainable and aesthetic as possible." - that's how you could break down the brand identity to a short sentence.

Our experts rendered the table lamp photorealistically and placed it in a living environment that was also rendered photorealistically. Every single component of the lamp is visible separately in all color variants as well as the whole product. The functions of the lamp and its special features (wireless, rechargeable battery via USB, dimmable) are presented visually as well as via sound effects.

Show function of table lamp, minimalism interior
Creating a 3D explainer product animation / video
Short and to the point 3D product video

Let's start building your brand's unique visual story together with 3D.

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Frequently asked questions


What does your 3D product animation present?

Our 3D product animation presents a designer floor lamp in a photorealistic manner. Every component of the lamp, its color variants, and special features are visually presented.

How do you manage to showcase the product and its benefits in a short video?

Our team comprises creative directors, master carpenters, interior design experts, and CGI artists who work together to create an appealing and informative 3D product animation. Our goal is to capture the functionality, benefits, and brand identity in a brief yet impactful video.

What makes your 3D product animation stand out?

What makes your 3D product animation stand out?

What does the concept of 'minimalism' mean in your 3D product animation?

Minimalism in our 3D product animation refers to the idea of simplicity and functionality. The product showcased, i.e., the lamp, is simple in design and presented in a clean, decluttered environment. It aligns with the brand identity of being as sustainable and aesthetic as possible with only what is necessary.

What channels do you use to distribute the product videos?

We prepare formats for various channels, including social media, TV, and the web. We understand that the attention span of viewers varies across these channels and we design our animations to capture attention within a few seconds.

How does the 3D product animation help businesses?

Our 3D product animation is a visual marketing tool that helps businesses establish their brand identity, present their products effectively, and appeal to their targeted clientele.

What is the 'digital twin' in the context of your 3D product animation?

A 'digital twin' refers to the photorealistic 3D model of the product we create for the animation. We model each detail of the product and digitize textures to create a virtual yet realistic representation of the product.

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